New York City Escorts Prostitution Charges
New York City police recently conducted a widespread sweep to find and arrest sex workers, following the tragic massage parlor raid that saw 38-year-old Yang Song die while trying to lure customers with cheap or free sex offers. Many sex workers, mostly female and mostly from foreign countries with families back home, voiced concern that criminalization of their work drove them underground and threatened their safety; District Attorneys made promises of reduced prosecutions for these workers.
New York independent escort Prostitution prosecutions across Queens, Manhattan and Brooklyn have decreased from last year’s peak of 1,938, but still remain at very high levels for New York. Melinda Katz won election as Queens District Attorney after Yang Song passed away but still prosecuted all but five prostitution arrests made within her district – with others automatically dismissed after six months if the defendant isn’t rearrested.
Sex for hire (patronizing a prostitute), known as patronage or “sex for hire”, can carry jail sentences of up to one year for both male and female prostitutes and is considered either a class B misdemeanor for minors and class E felony for adults. When perpetrated against child prostitutes it becomes even more serious, becoming either a class A misdemeanor or even a felony charge.
If you or someone close to you is subject to investigation by the District Attorney or New York Police Department for sexual offenses, hiring a defense lawyer immediately is of utmost importance. A charge against someone using sexual skills as part of their employment in NYC escorts or another state could have serious repercussions; conviction for Prostitution, Promoting Prostitution or Sodomy can have devastating repercussions for individuals involved; Saland Law’s New York Criminal Attorneys possess experience, knowledge and advocacy skills needed to represent your interests effectively.